For Scribes
The first port of call for scribes is of course to make and sell your own darkmoon decks and it is pretty much a no-brainer: buy herbs and volatile life when it is cheap (especially on the weekend) > make cards > convert to decks then trinkets > profit.
There are 2 other ways that scribes can profit from darkmoon cards that can prove every bit as effective as making and selling completed trinkets.
Selling cards individually on the auction house or over trade chat can net you some nice income if you don't have enough to complete a set or simply can't be bothered. Once again scribes can make these directly to post but there are a few other ways to help increase profits.
Firstly you can watch the auction house for any cheaper than average cards to flip (usually easy to pickup on the weekend). Secondly, if you get unlucky with the RNG in your crafting and only get the least valuable cards on your server (most stones cards on mine), you can try to trade them over /2 or create a dedicated card trading channel and advertise that. Doing this you should be able to trade away your less valuable cards for ones that will turn a nice profit when auctioned.
Yep. Although it seems like small potatoes compared to what you can make selling the cards, decks and trinkets themselves, you can make some nice bonus gold for no effort at all. It is super easy to do too, when you want to turn in your completed decks just advertise in /2 that you are selling darkmoone faire rep turn-ins for however much you think you can get. I tend to have most success in to 100-200g range but really, depending on the buyers on your server the sky is the limit.
One thing that must be considered when doing this to make it very clear to any buyers that you are selling the reputation only and the completed trinket must be returned after the turn-in takes place. Demand something as collateral if you want but make sure you are covered against the "haha thanks for the trinket n00b! lolz" people that are out there.
For Non Scribes - Flipping
Yes it's a fairly boring option but if you don't have a toon with maxed inscription buying trinkets off the auction house then flipping them for profit is still a viable way to make some cash. This is especially useful at the start of the darkmoon faire week (umm... now!) as there is generally an influx of trinkets as people have been sitting on their decks for 3 weeks waiting to turn them in.
The above picture is from my server this morning. The day before the faire started there was maybe one ore two trinkets TOTAL up for auction across the four different types. Not only this but during non faire times, each category sells for anywhere between 25% and 75% more than the prices above.
So there you have it, a couple of ways to make some nice gold while the darkmoon faire is in town. If I've left anything out or got something wrong feel free to let me know in the comments, otherwise stay tuned for more posts soon...
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