Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Noob Challenge!

I have been inspired by this month's blogging carnival over at JMTC: How do you make gold with low Capital? to put my own startup skills to the test and see if I can build a tidy fortune from scratch.

The Challenge:
Start fresh on a new server with no heirlooms, no gold, no friends to boost me... nothing!
The only help I will use will be addons as anyone can get them whenever (sure genuine first time players might not know about them, but really with all the information and detailed guides out there it's not hard to work them out).

I will be updating my progress here whenever I play.

I would like to stay on an oceanic server to minimise lag so if anyone has a suggestion for my new home (Nagrand is my current home), or even a faction/race/class suggestion post it in the comments and I'll be happy to oblige.


  1. That is an interesting challenge. What would your goals be? Reaching 5k in a set time? Proving that money can be made only via flipping? I think it's important for this challenge to have some sort of focus for it to make sense (prove a point, really). The no 1 advice given to new players is: Level your toon! While that is the most sound advice I have seen, somehow in this case I don't see that being the main priority here.

    I have done something similar. I started a couple of toons on a different server. I had/have friends there, but on a strictly "no-help" basis. There's actually quite a few gold to be made out of every low lvl profession, if you know where look.

    I wish you luck on this new project!

  2. Cheers Mcmokka.

    Until your comment I hadn't really given a lot of thought to what my goals were but you really got me thinking.

    My two main goals are based on the latest JMTC blogging carnival topic "How to make gold with low Capital" and I want to use these blogs' ideas as well as some others to prove:

    1) That you don't need huge capital to bring in the big bucks


    2) You don't need an army of alts with maxed professions to make gold either

    As I progress I will detail exactly what techniques I use and how much gold each makes (pretty pictures included).

    I hope that clears it up a bit and thanks again for the comment Mcmokka.
